Thursday, July 17, 2014

Big Blu Hammer X-1 Rounding Hammer - Review

I would think that most craftsmen and craftswomen have the same feeling upon getting a new tool. There is a feeling that accompanies that tool from the supplier to the crafter, a feeling of joy and anticipation. I'm sure that woodworkers feel the same way about getting a new set of nice carving chisels, potters getting a new wheel to throw clay, and a leather worker acquiring a new set of punches or stamps.

For myself the thrill, joy, and anticipation comes from hammers. I'm always shopping around and checking out people's personal hammer designs, big time market sellers, and hammers that are receiving a lot of buzz. It is no secret that I am a little biased due to my loyalty to Big Blu Hammer and all the products they make. I've been wanting my own rounding hammer so that Wayne and I didn't have to share when we went down to John C. Campbell in a few weeks. I browsed around, thought about ordering my own Diamond rounding hammer, but I wanted something different (even though they are super nice for the price). After checking around, I of course went to the BLU website. I decided on the X-1 Rounding Hammer. It has a similar design to a Brian Brazeal hammer, and is pretty decently priced at $105USD (pictured at right, bottom of the photo).

The hammer fits well in hand, due to it's long handle that's longer than the BLU cross peens. The handle is also more shaped like a hexagon with some curvatures up but the hammer head and back towards the end of the hammer. If one needed a shorter handle, it could be easily done.

The hammer head is gorgeous, with both faces polished to a mirror fininsh. Both have a round profile, but one has a flat face and the other has a rounded face. The non-striking surfaces has a nice black finish on them.

I feel as if I'm spoiled on the ergonomic hammers that BLU makes. I love the short, squared handle. After using these hammers for two years, I have trouble using hammers with longer handles. However, that was not the case with this hammer. This hammer just feels good in your hand. I have relatively large hands, but the handle wasn't too small nor was it too big. I didn't find myself sliding or anything of the such.

I'm extremely pleased with this purchase, as I am with every purchase from BLU. The X-1 Rounding hammer marks the 4th hammer we've purchased from them.

Now, to save for a Big BLU Max power hammer...

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