Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sharing the Trade

Recently, there has been a lot of buzz within the blacksmithing community concerning drawing the line between "traditional blacksmithing" and metalworking/fabrication. One could argue this topic until they're blue in the face, but let's face it... it all comes down to perspective.

The allure to a more traditional style of blacksmithing for myself is the mentality that I have had a majority of my life: doing things that people have done in the past and thinking "I wonder if this is how [insert person of interest here] did it so many years ago?"

I enjoy doing things the old way, especially blacksmithing. That is not to say that I never use a power tool, I do because there are many procedures and techniques in the blacksmithing world that I don't yet have the skill for. I definitely practice towards those skills, though. I like using old things. I like using things that were passed down to me, and use them just as my dad, step dad, or grandfather used them. It gives me a sense of pride, accomplishment, and comfort to know that the hammer I'm swinging to make something was the same hammer that my great grandfather used at his forge on the Frisse farm. I get these senses, or feelings, when hammering out a knife (in a coal forge), filiing, polishing, and sharpening the blade by hand, and cutting the handle out all by hand. The railroad spike ax I previously posted about, for example. Other than using a gas forge, that baby was crafted entirely by hand. There was no power tools involved. Hammer, tongs, anvil, hardy, file, stones, wood, and a draw knife. For me, its the coolest sensation when I'm hammering and I think "I wonder if a Scandinavian smith was making a bearded small ax this same way so many years ago?" Granted, he probably wasn't using a railroad spike as stock.

I believe that many of these traditional values are what help facilitate the growth of this... this... whatever you wish to call it, trade, art, skill, lifestyle, etc. I've had many inquiries from friends asking me about how I do things, and many of them say the same thing. "I've always wanted to smith, but I don't have the space, time, or the utilities". This is a common problem, and one can get their start in this trade without having access to all of the old style equipment. One can obtain that old world, old style feel of blacksmithing with some simple things that can be found relatively easy if one looks in the right places.

Let us look at it from this stand point - someone is interested in getting started in smithing, but doesn't want to dump a bunch of money into procuring everything in case they don't enjoy it as they thought they might. Harbor Freight is pretty hard to beat when looking at starting from that angle. They have most of the things needed to start out on a budget. You can get two sizes of hammers and a 55lb caste iron anvil for under $60. Forges... those are a little more complicated to come across, which is why many make their own. Seriously, people, you can make a forge from an old grill, or even push mower body. Check out my friend Terran Marks great article on making your own forge found here. His blog can give you insights to do-it-yourself blacksmithing better than most you can find on the internet.

It is easier than most think to share this trade and share the knowledge that accompanies it. A 200lb anvil from 1862, a Buffalo coal forge, and a rack full of hammers aren't needed to get started in this community. Lastly, one can still obtain that old world feel of "traditional blacksmithing" in the back yard with a Harbor Freight arsenal and a forge made from a lawnmower that fried when you hit that concrete garden gnome of your neighbors two summers ago.

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